Who will answer ?

A few use cases
Manage non-urgent requests and notifications
The typical use case for our solution is the following. If you want to focus on a task, let’s say for an hour, you press the button on the device. Then its light switches on and so does the web application (without having to go to our application page). The digital work tools (applications, email, web browser, instant messaging interface, etc.) that you have previously linked to our app are “silenced” until the end of the time dedicated to your goal.
At the end of this concentration period of time, you will be notified of what has been sent to you so that you don’t miss anything important. In the meantime, the light on your device will go out and your colleagues will know that you are available to interact again.
Analyse and streamline working hours
By calling on us, we will help you to open (or reopen) the discussion about your work habits (and telework) related to our field of expertise. In addition, we will suggest different approaches based on methods developed by experts or on research in management and psychology.
By discussing with your team members of their work habits and more generally of their needs for concentration or interaction, you will be able to “protect” them from interruptions at times when they are most effective or to help them choose a time to interact about collaborative topics. For example, you can use feedback and some data to consider redesigning the workspace so that it best serves the balance between individual and collaborative work.
Additionally, by linking our web application with your project management tool accounts (Asana, Jira, Trello, …) you will be able to have more elaborate data on the impact of interruptions on your projects (in compliance with our privacy policy, i.e. without employee surveillance).
Promote informal discussions with appropriate timing
We’re convinced that it would be beneficial for all if workers and companies were to allow more time for fully focused work. That doesn’t mean it should be done at the expense of social interactions at work.
For example, whether it’s to take a break (breaks are necessary to be able to concentrate afterwards) or to generate a new idea on a difficult issue, discussions between colleagues are important. That’s why some of our features facilitate qualitative interactions, whether in the office or while teleworking. Besides, our web application allows you to ask for someone in a non-intrusive way, for a question related to a project, to suggest a coffee break, or whatever.
Supporting healthy and effective telework
Many teleworkers see it as an opportunity to make effective progress on deep work by using the time away from the office to focus better. Others find it difficult to adapt (especially during the current health crisis) and suffer for various reasons. We provide practical resources and advice on how to prepare and develop a methodology to enjoy the benefits of telework and manage its challenges. Our web application supports this methodology to simply manage the flow of digital demands that increase with the move to telework.
Note that particular attention should be paid to practices intensified by teleworking that are detrimental to disconnection and can contribute to burn-out. For example, being expected to reply to emails outside working hours prevents the brain from unwinding and resting, which makes us less effective the next day and can contribute to constant stress.
Contributing to multiple aspects of well-being at work
Well-being at work is a vast and multifactorial topic. With our approach and solution, many knowledge workers can improve their quality of work life in a sustainable way.
At an individual level, for example, an employee can try new practices to work in a more satisfying way and by reducing unnecessary time pressure stress. Reducing interruptions during individual tasks and taking advantage of interactions with colleagues for a qualitative exchange will contribute to this.
Managers, some HR roles or management will be able to use our solution to better understand the positive or negative aspects of their work culture and then develop a method to further improve the working conditions of their teams.